Probate 101

By: Timothy P. Brynteson, Esq. April 4, 2024 Estate planning attorneys are frequently asked by clients to explain the difference between a “will” and a “trust”. This question is normally asked in the context of planning for the disposition of assets upon a client’s death, so the assumption is that clients are looking for information […]
Taking Advantage of the Estate and Gift Tax Exemption

By: Corey W. Moore, Esq. November 1, 2023 The United States Internal Revenue Code, Subtitle B–Estate and Gift Taxes, provides every taxpayer with the ability to exempt a certain amount of assets from their estate. The Estate and Gift Tax Exemption (“Exemption”) for a single individual in 2023 is $12.92 million, meaning an individual could […]
Trust – Probate

By Timothy P. Brynteson, Esq. Estate planning attorneys are frequently asked by clients to explain the difference between a “will” and a “trust.” This is normally in the context of planning for the disposition of assets upon the client’s death – so we surmise that clients are looking for information regarding the differences between and […]