The Federal Trade Commission New Non-Compete Rule in Effect

Frederick (Freddy) J. Steimling

By: Frederick J. Steimling, Esq. July 2024 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed the Non-Compete Clause Rule on January 19, 2023, under sections 5 and 6(g) of the FTC Act. After a comprehensive review of empirical research and over 26,000 public comments, the FTC adopted a final rule addressing non-compete clauses. The issuance of this […]

Colorado’s Agricultural Equipment Right to Repair Law in Effect

Frederick (Freddy) J. Steimling

By: Frederick J. Steimling, Esq. March 1, 2024 On January 1, 2024, Colorado’s first-of-its-kind Right to Repair agricultural equipment law, the Consumer Repairs Bill of Rights Act (CRBR), went into effect. In short, the CRBR requires the original farm equipment manufacturer to provide owners and independent repair providers with resources including parts, embedded software, firmware, […]

Trademarks: Should I Register?

Derrick K. Galantowicz

By: Derrick K. Galantowicz, Esq. February 1, 2024 Whether it be a logo, slogan, or a brand name, trademarks are all around us. Many businesses reach a point in their lifecycle when they consider whether they should federally register their brand name or logo with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). What is […]

Dissolution: The Inferior Default Exit Strategy

Lee J. Morehead

By: Lee J. Morehead, Esq. December 1, 2023 Dissolution of a business or company occurs either voluntarily or judicially. In the case of voluntary Dissolution, all owners must agree either to dissolve the entity or identify a triggering event that will cause Dissolution. To accomplish judicial Dissolution, the owner(s) seeking Dissolution must prove that it […]

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